Wednesday, July 12, 2017

CCT volunteer Sam Walters (Art Relief International)

We did a lot of things during our first two weeks volunteering at Art Relief International. The first week seemed more stress free since all the workshops were run by Madeline. It was still a lot of work but really exciting to meet all of the groups, seeing them smile and having fun. The second week was a little scary, because we were writing lesson plans but fortunately I am part of a very great team. We all helped each other out because nothing is more important than creating a great workshop where everyone has fun and learns something new. I am glad that I get to work with such great people that help me when I need it and I can help when they need it. We make a great team and we all are so happy to be working for ARI. I am very happy to have met everyone at Hope Home, Urban Light, Elderly Care, etc. It always makes me so Happy to see them.

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